ARPA in a nutshell

Consensus Mechanism

ARPA leverages a variant of Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS) to secure its network and handle AI tasks. This includes:

  • AI Validator Nodes: Nodes specializing in AI workloads are chosen based on their reputation and computational strength, rotating regularly to avoid centralization.

  • Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT): Ensures network stability even if some nodes are compromised, maintaining integrity against malicious activities.

Modular Architecture

  • Core Consensus Layer: Manages blockchain operations like block creation and transaction validation.

  • AI Execution Layer: Dedicated to AI processes, integrating with models and frameworks like TensorFlow and Langchain.

  • Privacy Layer: Uses advanced privacy techniques, including zero-knowledge proofs, for secure AI computations.

  • Connectivity Layer: Enables cross-chain interactions and access to external data sources crucial for AI.

Developer Tools

  • AI Smart Contract Libraries: Pre-built components for AI tasks, facilitating secure data sharing and model deployment.

  • WebAssembly (WASM) Support: Enhances portability and flexibility for AI models across platforms.

  • Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): Simplified IDEs equipped with debugging tools, blockchain interfaces, and AI libraries.

Last updated